Description: Santa Barbara Analysis is the provider of AccuFACTS9000, a real-time, computerized, Shop Floor Control System, designed for networks. It is a barcode driven traveler or routing system, with on-line manufacturing documentation & drawings, integrated SPC data collection, monitoring and w
arning. This software enhances MRP systems by giving it's users a 'Virtual Window' down onto the factory floor, providing detailed reports of WIP, rejects, rework, cycle time, SPC & engineering data to name a few. Ease of configuration is obtained using a client/server Btrieve database server runni
ng on Novell or NT Server networks.
Keywords: barcode, bar code, bar, code, SPC, WIP, MRP, manufacturing
nal Mechanics Aerospace Vehicle Design Control and Optimisation Theory Physiological Fluid Dynamics Wind Loads on Buildings and Structures Wave Loads
Title: Department of Aeronautics
Template-Type: DOCUMENT
ALIWEB-Title: Department of Biochemistry
Description: Research, Teaching and Consultancy in the Department of Biochemistry at Imperial College, London UK
Keywords: Biochemistry Drosophila FAB mass spectroscopy Leishmania atherosclerosis biocatalysts biochemistry biomolecular activity biomolecular electronics biomolecular function biomolecular mechanism biomolecular structure biophysics biopolymers bioreactors biosensors biosynthesis biotransformatio
ns carbohydrate structure carbohydrates catalysis cell biology cell differentiation cell stress cellular defence processes cellular membranes central nervous system coronary vasospasm damaged central nervous system developmental biology diseased central nervous system electron microscopy electrospr
ay mass spectroscopy endotoxin environmental stress environmental stress tolerance eukaryotic gene transcription exocytosis fast atom bombardment freezing stress gene expression gene mapping gene regulation genetics genome genome studies glial cells glycobiology glycosylation human genome immunolog
ar recognition nervous system neurochemistry neurogenesis neurons neurotoxins neurotransmission neurotransmitters parasitic nematodes parasitology pathogenic bacteria photosynthesis photosystem II plant metabolism plant molecular biology post-translational modification potassium channels proetein e
ngineering protein processing protein structure protein transport proteins reverse genetics survival mechanisms synapse synaptic transmission synaptosome transcription vesicular trafficking voltage-gated channels
Title: Department of Biochemistry
Template-Type: DOCUMENT
ALIWEB-Title: Department of Biology at Silwood Park Campus
Description: Research, Teaching and Consultancy in the Department of Biology at Imperial College, London UK
Keywords: Biology
Title: Department of Biology at Silwood Park Campus
Template-Type: DOCUMENT
ALIWEB-Title: Department of Biology at South Kensington Campus
Description: Research, Teaching and Consultancy at the Department of Biology at Imperial College, London UK
Keywords: Biology
Title: Department of Biology at South Kensington Campus
Template-Type: DOCUMENT
ALIWEB-Title: Department of Chemistry
Description: Research, Teaching and Consultancy in the Department of Chemistry at Imperial College, London UK
Keywords: Chemistry
Title: Department of Chemistry
Template-Type: DOCUMENT
ALIWEB-Title: Department of Civil Engineering
Description: Research, Teaching and Consultancy in the Department of Civil Engineering at Imperial College, London UK
Keywords: Civil Engineering systems and mechanics, Transport engineering Transport systems Railway technology Soil Mechanics Foundation engineering Seismic analysis Earthquake resistant design structural engineering steel structures pipelines wire rope fibre rope structural steel design Environment
al engineering Environmental technology air polution water polution waste management toxic waste disposal hydrology groundwater management concrete structures concrete chemistry durability of concrete properites of concrete hydraulics,hydraulic structures coastal engineering fluid mechanics wave mo
deling offshore structures wave loading
Title: Department of Civil Engineering
Template-Type: DOCUMENT
ALIWEB-Title: Department of Computing
Description: Research, Teaching and Consultancy in the Department of Computing at Imperial College, London UK
Keywords: Computing
Title: Department of Computing
Template-Type: DOCUMENT
ALIWEB-Title: Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Description: Research, Teaching and Consultancy in the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at Imperial College, London UK
Keywords: Biomedical systems engineering, Control systems Instrumentation Digital Commmunication Energy systems Electromagnetics Information engineering Neural systems engineering Optical devices Micromechanical devices Semiconductor devices Signal processing Solid state electronics Thin film devic
Title: Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Template-Type: DOCUMENT
ALIWEB-Title: Department of Geology
Description: Research, Teaching and Consultancy in the Department of Geology at Imperial College, London UK
Keywords: Geology
Title: Department of Geology
Template-Type: DOCUMENT
ALIWEB-Title: Management School
Description: Research, Teaching and Consultancy in the Management School at Imperial College, London UK
Keywords: Business Policy, Marketing Economics Finance and Accounting Organisational Behaviour Human Resource Management Operations Research Information Systems Management Quantitative Finance Technology Strategy
Title: Management School
Template-Type: DOCUMENT
ALIWEB-Title: Department of Mathematics
Description: Research, Teaching and Consultancy in the Department of Mathematics at Imperial College, London UK
Keywords: Mathematics Smouldering Combustion Thermal Explosion Theory Reaction-Diffusion Equations Magneto-Hydro-Dynamics Biological Fluid Dynamics Electro-Hydro-Dynamics Vortex Dynamics Turbulence Transition to Turbulence Reynolds Stress Stability of Flow Hydrodynamic Stability Non-Linear Instabil
ity Non-Linear Waves Convection Non-Linear Convection Partial Differential Equations Non-Linear Partial Differential Equations Physiological Fluid Dynamics Boundary Layer Stability Boundary Layer Separation High Reynolds Number Flows Navier-Stokes Analysis Turbulence in Fluids Dynamical Systems Dyn
amics of the CGL Equation Integrable Systems Rotating Fluids Nonlinear Optics Exact Elliptic Solvers Two-Point Boundary Value Problem Methods Finite Difference Methods Computational Fluid Dynamics Parallel Computing Algorithms Fast Finite Fourier Transforms Convection 3-D Convection Geophysical Con
eory Group Theory Algebraic Geometry Representation Theory Simple Groups Permutation Groups Hecke Algebras K-Theory Algebraic Number Theory Algebraic Groups Approximation Theory Functional Analysis Graph Theory Invariant Theory Coding Theory Probability Theory Particle Systems Number Theory Kleinia
n Groups Hyperbolic Geometry Diophantine Approximation Dynamical Systems Sympletic Geometry Integrable Systems Stochastic Analysis Markov Semigroups Stochastic Dynamics Hypercontractive Semigroups Geometry of Manifolds Partial Differential Equations Determinants Permanents Immanants History of Math
ematics Complex Analysis Complex Dynamics Stochastic Differential Equations Stochastic Partial Differential Equations Potential Theory Elliptic Partial Differential Equations Number Theory Metric Diophantine Approximation Hyperbolic Geometry Kleinian Groups Complex Dynamics Markov Maps Conformal Me
on Optical Fibres Stability Theory Kuramoto-Sivoshinsky Equation Multifractals Free Electron Lasers Random Matrix Theory Interacting Fermi Systems Matrix Riemann-Hilbert Problems Bayesian Computation Bayesian Theory Design of Experiments Differential Geometry Generalized Linear Models Geometrical P
robability Image Analysis Pharmacokinetics Spectral Analysis Statistical Computing Statistical Theory Stereology Stochastic Processes Stochastic Simulation Time Series Wavelets Statistical Manifolds Predictive Geometry Bayesian Robustness Exponential Families Baysian Computation Population Models
Pharmacokinetic Models Pharmacodynamic Models Stochastic Simulation Game Theory Superconductivity Self-organized Criticality Non-equlibrium Statistical Mechanics Disordered Systems Flux Pinning Coulomb Gas Kosterlitz-Thouless Transition Flux Line Melting Driven Systems Simulations of Growth Elastic
Media in Random Potentials Flux Flow Flux Noise 1/f Noise Dynamical Renormalization Bean Critical State Critical Currents Flux Creep Melting Convection Diffusion Problems Reaction Diffusion Problems Finite Element Methods Finite Difference Methods Free Boundary Problems Moving Boundary Problems Va
riational Inequalities Singular Elliptic P.D.E.s Non-Newtonian Fluids Error Bounds Variational Methods P.D.E.s Existence/Regularity Theory Elliptic P.D.E.s of Degenerate Type Parabolic P.D.E.s of Degenerate Type Ordinary Differential Equations Stiff Initial Value Problems Two-Point Boundary Value
Problems Deferred correction Recurrence Relations Linear Algebra Singular Perturbation Problems Numerical Analysis Bifurcation Theory Dynamical Systems Invariant Manifolds Computational Linear Algebra Continuation Methods Parametrised Equations Collocation Methods Defect Correction Mathematica Comp
uter-based teaching and learning Courseware
Title: Department of Mathematics
Template-Type: DOCUMENT
ALIWEB-Title: Department of Mechanical Engineering
Description: Research, Teaching and Consultancy in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Imperial College, London UK
Keywords: Mechanical Engineering
Title: Department of Mechanical Engineering
Template-Type: DOCUMENT
ALIWEB-Title: Department of Physics
Description: Research, Teaching and Consultancy in the Department of Physics at Imperial College, London UK
Keywords: Physics
Title: Department of Physics
Template-Type: DOCUMENT
ALIWEB-Title: Centre for Analytical Research in the Environment
Description: Research, Teaching and Consultancy in the Centre for Analytical Research in the Environment
Keywords: Environment chemistry analytical chemistry physics nuclear physics biology environment radiation in the environment environmental pathways and processes isotopes isotope transfer studies contamination trace elements radionuclides radionuclide metrology decay schemes nuclear structure deco
mmissioning of nuclear facilities analytical services nuclear research reactor irradiation facilities ICP-MS ICP-AES neutron activation analysis alpha spectrometry beta spectrometry gamma spectrometry postgraduate studies MSc in Environmental Analysis and Assessment PhD
Title: Centre for Analytical Research in the Environment
Template-Type: DOCUMENT
ALIWEB-Title: Centre for Population Biology
Description: Research, Teaching and Consultancy in the Centre for Population Biology at Imperial College, London UK
Keywords: Biology Ecology Population biology Community ecology Ecosystems Population dynamics Food webs Conservation ecology Biodiversity Environmental change Climate change Biological pest control Ecotron Controlled environment facility Mesocosm experiments Mathematical ecology
ALIWEB-Title: Siemens companies on the World Wide Web
Description: Sietec - a company within the Siemens corporation
Keywords: Siemens, Siemens Nixdorf, Sietec, SNI
Title: Siemens companies on the World Wide Web
Template-Type: DOCUMENT
ALIWEB-Title: Communication Technology and Multimedia
Description: Communication technologies by Sietec Systemtechnik
Keywords: Broadband-ISDN-Technology, ISO/OSI-protocols/services, Corporate Networks, data transmission technology, synchronous and cooperative distributed work, audio/video-conferencing systems
Title: Communication Technology and Multimedia
Template-Type: DOCUMENT
ALIWEB-Title: Henkel KGaA
Description: Henkel is a world specialist in applied chemistry.
Keywords: Chemical Products, Metal Chemicals, Industrial Adhesives, Technical Consumer Products, Cosmetics, Toiletries, Detergents, Household Cleansers, Industrial and Institutional Hygiene